Important information regarding the CUPE 2950 Professional Development Funding for 2024/2025

Excerpt from email received from Susanna Mulligan on October 18, 2024 to CUPE 2950 members:

Limited CUPE 2950 PD funding for the remainder of 2024/25 fiscal year
As of October 18, 2024, approximately $100,000 remains in the CUPE 2950 PD fund for the current fiscal year (April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025).  This balance is expected to be exhausted by the end of December 2024, or sooner.

Once the CUPE 2950 PD fund is depleted, no additional claims from staff in the CUPE 2950 employee group will be accepted or reimbursed through Workday for this current funding year. The new funding year will reset and open again on April 1, 2025.

Before submitting a claim
Before making any PD-related purchases or submitting claims in Workday, please visit the Staff PD Fund webpage at hxxps:// to check the current balance of the CUPE 2950 PD Fund and review the steps for accessing PD funding.  The funding pool balance is updated on a weekly basis to help you with your PD planning. 

To access the Staff PD Fund webpage noted above, copy and paste the URL into your browser, replacing ‘hxxps’ with ‘https’.

Funding overview
The CUPE 2950 PD Fund is an annual pool of money distributed on a first-come, first-served basis each UBC fiscal year (April 1 through March 31).

  • It supports learning activities that will enhance your ability to perform your current role or contribute to your career growth at UBC. 
  • You can claim up to $1,400 in PD funding for the current fiscal year, provided overall funds remain available. If you work less than half-time, your maximum claim amount is prorated.

If you have any questions, please contact the PD Funds team in UBC Human Resources at

Collective Agreements

October 17, 2024

We will be sending out hard copies of the collective agreement to you.  Keep a copy on your desk to remind you (and your manager) that you have rights!  Rights to a harmonious workplace.  Rights to be paid for the work you’re doing.  Rights to remote work and flextime.
If you do NOT want a collective agreement (or already have one), please indicate so in the link

Summer Photo Challenge recap

Thanks to the members who joined our Summer Photo Challenge which ran mid-June to mid-September. Winners were announced at the September 26 GMM and will be contacted regarding their prizes.

We had four categories: Summer Adventures, Cool Treats, Flora and Fauna and Sunset Spectacular.

The winning photos can be found below. All photos submitted to the challenge can be found on the digital padlet wall: CUPE 2950 Summer Photo Challenge (

Special thanks to Cloris, Communications Committee member for putting this challenge together.

Stay tuned for future challenges!

Winner of Summer Adventures category: Tinuy An Falls, Phillippines (Chatty Lagura)

Winner of Cool treats category: Hot treats (Belle Zhao)

Winner of Flora and Fauna category: Puffin at the Wick on Skomer Island (Kristina Shen)

Winner of Sunset Spectacular category: Sunset on Beach (Samantha Chan)